From REST API to NuGet Package: Streamlining Code Reuse and Distribution

Pac Man
Saturday 20 July, 12:00 - 12:45

This abstract outlines the process of transforming a functional REST API into a reusable and distributable NuGet package. This process involves defining clear API contracts, designing a well-structured library, and implementing efficient packaging and deployment mechanisms.

Key steps include:

API Design and Documentation: Defining the API structure, data models, and communication protocols, accompanied by comprehensive documentation.

Library Development: Implementing the client-side logic for interacting with the API, ensuring robust error handling and performance optimization.

Unit Testing and Quality Assurance: Implementing comprehensive unit tests to ensure the library's stability and adherence to design specifications.

Package Creation: Building the NuGet package, including dependencies, configuration files, and metadata for easy integration with other projects.

Deployment and Distribution: Publishing the package to the NuGet Gallery, making it readily available for developers to consume.

This approach facilitates code reuse, promotes collaboration, and simplifies the integration of API functionalities into various projects. By packaging a REST API into a NuGet package, developers can streamline their workflows, improve development efficiency, and foster a more robust and cohesive development ecosystem.
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